Nov 272013

… that have gone ’round the bend.

First, from late last month, Manchester, England:

UK Police Seize 3D-Printed Gun Parts That Are Actually 3D Printer Parts

That’s what happens when  you spend generations training the populace to be irrationally terrified of guns: even the cops can’t recognize ’em.

And then there’s Philadelphia:

Philadelphia poised to become first city to ban 3D-printed guns

Because ridiculously expensive and fragile zip guns are *such* a problem.

Additionally: the Philly law would make it illegal to 3D print *any* component of a firearm. This would include the grips. I’d love to see the arguments they’d use in court to sustain that given that it wouldn’t be illegal for someone to carve grips out of chunks or wood or plastic.

 Posted by at 4:18 am