Nov 262013

Every now and then I give the cats some catnip. Having learned my lesson, I now generally sprinkle some in the bathtub: this limits the spread of the stuff around the house, makes cleanup easier.

There is usually some sort of competition among Raedthinn, Buttons and Speedbump to get it first (Fingers is non-confrontational about this). There are two basic approaches to the problem I’ve seen:

1) The Buttons and Speedbump approach: SLAP FIGHT!


Immediately after this photo was taken, slapping commenced.

2) The Way Of The Raedthinn: simply get there first, lay claim and don’t let yourself be moved. Surprisingly effective.


It of course helps to have twice the mass of your competition, in this case a very disappointed Speedbump.

 Posted by at 12:21 pm