Nov 212013

Here’s an entertaining news story…

‘Point ’em out, knock ’em out’: Brutal game ends when assault victim fires his concealed handgun

In short: a dumbass in Lansing, Michigan, decided it would be a fun lark to pick out some random schmoe on the street and knock him out with a stun gun. But the stun gun fails when he jabs the feller. Who then pulls out a .40 Smith & Wesson semi-automatic and pops a cap in his ass. Literally, as it turns out.

This was apparently a variation on “the knoutout game,” where a thug picks a random victim and attempts to knock them unconscious in a single punch. The “game” has also been referred to as “polar bearing.” The news reports on this exciting new trend in youth hijinks have generally been pretty lean on certain details of these activities. However, it’s starting to get more press. Hopefully, more incidents like this will end up like the one in Lansing, with the perpetrator on the receiving end of a gunshot. The problem, of course, is that “the knockout game” comes out of nowhere, with no time for the intended victim to prepare.





[youtube gzptOuQ0M9U]

 Posted by at 8:58 pm