Oct 072013

Everybody hates on the NSA for taking eavesdropping to whole new levels. That’s fair. But we’ve also seen the irrational anti-Americanism cranked up as a result of that (with trolls of our very on on the comments section of this blog, for example). What makes it irrational? For starters, *America* doesn’t like what the NSA is doing. Further, the big-government types most responsible for setting the system up to support Big Brother spying like this are exactly the politicians that non-Americans most want to see win elections in the US. Furthest… hypocrisy. Delicious, nutritious hypocrisy:

Charges that Canada spied on Brazil unveil CSEC’s inner workings

That’s right, the ever-polite Canucks spying on Brazil. One can only imagine the spying and espionage being carried out by the likes of Britain, Germany and Australia.

As the Farkers put it:

Brazil’s maple syrup and strategic moose reserves politely come under the watchful eye of Canada’s master spies

“Ladies and gentlemen, Canada is making a play for empire.”

 Posted by at 9:27 am