Mar 182009

Ronald Reagan was an actor. Give him a script, and he could knock it out of the park. However, he could also think on his feet. It seems the current President, though, is glued to a teleprompter.

From Sky News:

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen was just a few paragraphs into an address in Washington when he realised it all sounded a bit too familiar.

It was. He was repeating the speech President Barack Obama had just read from the same teleprompter.

Mr Cowen stopped, turned to the president and said: “That’s your speech.”

A laughing Mr Obama returned to the podium to take over but it seems the script had finally been switched and the US president ended up thanking himself for inviting everyone to the party.

Mr Obama is an accomplished orator but is becoming known in America as the “teleprompt president” over his reliance on the machine when he gives a speech.

Had Bush made this sort of slip-up, it’d be Big News for days, and Final, Clinching Proof That Bush Is A Moron. But in the, uh, case of 0bama, I’m sure this’ll get a pass.

 Posted by at 10:47 am

  One Response to “The Teleprompter Administration”

  1. I read this elsewhere and all I could think of was the movie “Anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgundy.” I wonder if the same thing that was done in the movie would work with Obama. Could be an interesting national address if he were to end it with “Go fuck yourself America!”

    While I’m on that movie his stimulus package is being sold like Sex Panther: “80% of the time it works all the time!”

    Now all we need is a pregnant panda.

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