Aug 122013

Intelligent women less likely to have children, study claims

… a 15 IQ-point increase is associated with a 25 percent decrease in a woman’s desire for children

Assume it’s accurate. What to do about it? There are two issues of importance for the future of society: inspiring smart women to have more babies, and inspiring dumb women to have fewer. Tax breaks for the smart ones? Norplant coming standard with welfare for the dumb ones (presumption is that the dumb ones are more likely to end up on the dole)? How about: if you’re on government assistance, you are moved to sex-segregated communes, with no opportunity to mingle with the opposite sex? Go back to 1920’s social models, where the dumb ones are sterilized permanently at a young age? Do some early testing, and ship the dummies overseas?

Long term, the answer is clear: off-world colonies. Only the smart ones will survive in such hostile, technologically dependent frontiers. Earth can be left to the marching morons to turn into complete squalor, so long as several off-world colonies are brought to sustainability. Terraform Mars, terraform Venus, terraform the moon and build O’Neills all over hither and yon, preserving the best of mankind and the lifeforms of Earth, and let the idiots have the Earth. Once they wipe themselves out, Earth can be terraformed, reseeded, and begun again.

 Posted by at 7:03 pm