Jul 222013

As the more astute blog readers may have surmised, something is coming up real soon now. Longer-term, more astute readers may have assumed that this means I’ll soon be heading out to cross half the continent as I do once or twice a year. And, huzzah, that’s accurate… a bit. Soon I will be heading out to spend time with family. Kinda anomalously, the location this time will be rather different than the usual dull northern Illinois. A difference enough that I’ll be camera’ed-up like a cliched Japanese tourist.

While I’m out and about, my ability to make a nickel will of course be reduced. Sadly, the mortgage and health insurance bills won’t stop just because I’m not in a position to pay them, so I’ve got to load up the bank account now. For reasons which seem good to me, I don’t want to give away just where I’m going. I can assure you, though, the photography should be spectacular, and lots of it. It will have very little in the form of aerospace interest, but if’n yer interested in Certain Parts of the US, this should prove interesting. So… for $100, I’ll pack up a whole mess of photos on a pack of DVDs (or a portable hard drive if you provide one). All I’ll redact are photos of family, out-of-focus shots and the like; otherwise, you’ll get all the photos of a place that I’ve never been before, the vast majority of people have never been before, but most people want to visit. A number of reality TV shows focus on this place, and for good reason.

So, if you want in, either paypal me $100, or request me to send you a Paypal invoice (either via commenting or via email:

And here’s a hint: there is a good solid clue in this post just where I’m going. Kinda obvious when you see it. If you see it, feel free to ask me via email if you are right (be sure to include what you think the solid clue is), but don’t post it for all the world just yet…


UPDATE: Your chance to get in on the ground floor is over.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm