Jul 182013

Detroit files for bankruptcy

Hmm. How could a major American city fall so far? Sure, a lot of it was due to Detroit being based on a single industry, cars. But auto manufacturing hasn’t exactly utterly fled the US; there is a lot of it in southern states. So why would existing industries leave the city that is most closely associated with that industry? Hmmm. Maybe we should ask the mayors that Detroit has had ov3er the last 50 years:

Dave Bing May 11, 2009 – present Democrat

Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. September 18, 2008 – May 11, 2009 Democrat

Kwame Kilpatrick January 1, 2002 – September 18, 2008 Democrat

Dennis Archer January 3, 1994 – December 31, 2001 Democrat

Coleman Young January 1, 1974 – January 3, 1994 Democrat

Roman Gribbs January 6, 1970 – January 1, 1974 Democrat

Jerome Cavanagh January 2, 1962 – January 5, 1970 Democrat

Hmmm. What’s that old saying that suddenly springs to mind? Oh, yes: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

It’s time to sell Detroit to the highest bidder. I suspect Halliburton could make some good use of the place.

 Posted by at 6:55 pm