Mar 082009

Photos from a “tax revolt”recently held in Fullerton, CA:

The spiffy thing here is that the purpose of the rally was not to bitch at the Democrats. Getting angry at Democrats who raise your taxes is kinda like getting mad at a dog that lifts it’s leg on a fire hydrant; it’s what they do. They can’t help it. No, the purpose was to protest Republicans.

Droves of angry taxpayers gathered Saturday to protest tax increases in the recently approved state budget and to rally for the recall of Republicans who supported the increases – or didn’t do enough to stop them. …

They support recall efforts against Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Claremont; state Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria; and Assemblyman Jeff Miller, R-Corona.

Awesome. The Republicans need to be smacked around until they get it through their heads that they need to understand what their party principles actually are… and increasing the size, scope and power of government is not what they are supposed to be doing.

But even so, the “Obama lied, the economy died” poster is pretty spiffy. Maybe I should steal that and whip up a batch of t-shirts…


 Posted by at 5:00 pm

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