Jun 232013

According to New York City, you are a bad, horrible very naughty person if you want British people in your British themed pub.

Brooklyn Pub Surrenders to Human Rights Commission

In short, advertising for employees and mentioning that being British would be a plus will score you a $2500 fine *and* mandatory “antidiscrimination training.”

So… anyone *really* surprised that Paula Deen got canned?

New York’s only Welsh pub fined over ad preferring British workers

Back in the 1950’s, when cities or states violated the civil rights of citizens, the federal government would send in the National Guard to go straighten things out. I’m thinking that New York City government could benefit from being federalized.

Given how libertarian I am, things have to be *REALLY* bad for me to suggest that a local government needs to be kicked out by the federal government. But given how consistently awful the NYC government has been on matters of civil rights, I think it’s about time. Then on to Chicago.

Of course, this would require that the fedguv has a basic understanding of Constitutional rights. So… yeah…

 Posted by at 6:49 pm