Jun 152013

NOTE: The cyanotypes have been put on hiatus. They may come back later; if interested, send an email.


I have several large format vellum cyanotype blueprints available. These are hand-made items, not run off on a machine. They are made using old cyanotyping techniques and chemicals, on a series of home-made frameworks. the end result is a true royal-blue “blueprint” on vellum paper… with the same appearance and feel of a vintage blueprint.

I’ve made a few of each;  once these are sold out, further prints will be made on demand, so there might be a bit of a delay. The sizes given are of the whole sheet of paper; the diagram itself is a bit smaller, and can be trimmed if you wish. Prints will be shipped rolled.

In order to simplify things, there are two postage options: US and non-US. Doesn’t matter how many of these you get, the one postage fee is all you need to pay (so it makes sense to order a whole bunch of prints at once).
US postage: $6


non-US postage: $14


18X32 Early Dyna Soar layout diagram: $50.00

blue early x-20


18X24 German A-4 (V-2) rocket engine: $40

blue a4 engine


18X24 German A-4 (V-2) layout: $40

blue a4



~24X60 X-20 Dyna Soar layout: $100

A layout diagram of the final version of the Dyna soar, Model 2050E. Same size as scanned original (which was apparently a half-size version of the original original).

blue x-20



24X37 Super Hustler (Mach 4 parasite bomber concept): $70

blue super hustler


~12X73 Saturn V (1/72 scale): $75

blue sat v - x-24c - sat ib


12×31 X-24C/L301: $30

blue x-24c


~12×44 Saturn Ib (1/72 scale): $40

blue sat ib


9×24 NERVA art: $20nervaartlarge


24X24 X-20 Dyna Soar/Titan IIIc (1/100 scale): $45




24×31 Wasserfall layout diagram: $60




12×42 NERVA diagram (two are shown below): $40




12X43 Medium V-2 (A-4) cutaway (two are shown below): $40




18X62: Large V-2 (A-4) cutaway: $100.00



 Posted by at 2:59 pm