Jun 032013

The Speech Jammer. In this particular case, a Smart Phone app that feeds your own words back to you with a split-second delay. The human brain just wasn’t evolved to handle this sort of sensory input, and the result is it turns you into a babbling moron. And without further ado, a feller trying to do some gun reviews while under the influence of a speech jammer:

[youtube oU9EGeMP5n4]

As used here, the jammer is something the speaker has to be involved in… he’s wearing the device. So it’s funny, but not terribly *useful.* To be useful, the jammer has to be something that someone *else* can turn on. And as it turns out, there’s a “speech jamming gun” under development:

[youtube e8O7_LK6at4]

Note that this video also includes some weapons-grade paranoid jibberjabber.

 Posted by at 5:26 pm