Feb 182009

Even though Raedthin massively outweighs and outguns Tak (he has all his claws, while she’s been disarmed up front), she nevertheless seems to think it’s great sport to start fights with him. Largely, I expect, because Raedthinn doesn’t launch into total war. As political history (or any schoolyard bully) has shown, if you are faced with aggression, the best response – if you are physically capable of it – is often an all-out retaliatory strike of nightmarish proportions. If you fail to do that, if you only fight back just hard enough, you will often be seen as weak, and a good target to be struck again and again. Sadly for Raedthinn , when Tak attacks him, he generally only fights just hard enough to drive her off… and half the time he winds up running away. Thus… Dar Al Cat Harb remains, and Tak’s Jihad against Raedthinn continues.

img_8154.jpg Tak looking innocent, but what comes next is inevitable.

img_8150.jpg The fight is on…

img_8159.jpgDo you want kung fu?

img_8227.jpg Another time, another battlefield…

Tak is a touchy cat. Not only will she purposely walk right up to Raedthinn and bite him (often removing a chunk of his fur, which she then proceeds to loudly and determinedly chew and swallow), she will often decide that violence is the proper course of action while laying in my lap. She has a single spot on her body that, when touched, makes her *real* mad. Unfortunately, that one spot covers most of her… legs, belly, sides, tail. Leaves the spine and head for petting. But if you stray, she goes for blood.

img_8488.jpg She’s about to go nuts….

img_8492.jpg And there it is.

img_8493.jpg And this is what she looks like immediately after. Or should I say, immediately after I whack her upside the head.

 Posted by at 12:43 am

  3 Responses to “This is why we can’t have nice things”

  1. Same thing with my cat, except the spot is timer based — can’t stay in one spot for too long before the cat has grabbed the hand and is trying to flay the arm with the back paws…

  2. Why does one get the feeling that sooner or later Tak is going to get out of line with Raedthin… and Raedthin will finally have hit the fed-up point… and that will be the day Tak ends up with only 8 lives left.
    Seriously, this sounds like some sort of a dominance ranking behavior going on between the two.

  3. > some sort of a dominance ranking behavior

    Almost certainly. Tak clearly wants to be Alpha Cat, and she sees Raedthinn as being her primary competition. But mostly he just wants to poop and nap in peace.

    One day I expect that he’ll either be fully cowed… or he’ll steamroll her.

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