Feb 142009

<>The weather has not been co-operative for a trip to Bear Lake… hazy and freezing rain/snow makes for exceedingly gray and dull photos. So here’s Raedthinn, attempting to sleep.img_9670.jpg






 Posted by at 12:46 pm

  6 Responses to “Raedthinn”

  1. I’ll say one thing for that cat… when it conks out, it _really_ conks out.
    Looks about as lively as a bag of wet cement. 🙂
    It’s odd they would sleep that way; you would think they would sleep belly-down to protect their undersides if attacked while sleeping…unless the idea is to sleep claws upward in case that occurs.

  2. > when it conks out, it _really_ conks out.

    He can sleep wherever he flops down. Of course, he carefully chooses *where* to flop down.

    > unless the idea is to sleep claws upward in case that occurs.

    Couldn’t really tell you. Most cats I’ve known sleep rightside-up; Raedthin is the only one of mine to really sleep any other way. I know that a lot of cats sleep that way too. And of course, humans sleep any of a number of ways, as do dogs, so there’s no reason why cats should be forced to sleep in one position.

    But then, Raedthinn *is* weird.

  3. If would be funny to get it in a hammock in the pose shown in picture #4, maybe with a beer next to it. 🙂

  4. The positions do vary. For example, my cat enjoys the “on owner’s face” position.

  5. I had a friend who had a huge tomcat that liked to rest on his belly as he slept in a recliner…then the tomcat would see something that interested it across the room and catapult itself off of his belly at full tilt, so it would feel like he went straight from sleep to feeling like he’d been punched in the stomach. 🙂

  6. > catapult itself off of his belly at full tilt

    Raedthinn has the occasional habit of charging across the living room and jumping *onto* me at full tilt. 20 pounds of cat moving fast enough to make the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs and using 20 sharp kittyclaws as landing gear is a terrifying sight coming right at you….

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