Feb 142009


 Posted by at 2:04 am

  8 Responses to “Valentines Day Message”

  1. How come I half expect that one of those ghosts is going to me muttering “RED-RUM” and look just like Jack Nicholson?

  2. Ok, stop that now.

    That is just plain depressing.

  3. > That is just plain depressing.

    For some of us, that is everyday life.

    I’ve always been *kinda* surprised that Christmas is the peak holiday for suicides. I always figured Valentines Day (AKA: “Ha-ha! You’re A Loser And You’ll Die Cold And Alone Day”) would be the peak season for the eating of chocolates and bullets. Shrug.

  4. > I half expect that one of those ghosts is going to me muttering…

    “Don’t go into the light.”

  5. Are we talking unrequited love here?

    Most dangerous substance known to man – eats up decades and obscures new opportunities…

  6. > Are we talking unrequited love here?

    Depends on what “we” you are referring to.

    Love can be lost in many ways. Person A might still love Person B, while B does not remember A for any of a wide range of reasons:
    1) B never even knew A existed (see: fanatical nutjobs stalking celebs and the like)
    2) A loved B, B thought of A as a “good friend” and then they parted ways
    3) B made a conscious effort to forget A (see: Blue October’s “Hate Me”)
    4) B has lost B’s memory, or at least relevant portions of it.
    5) B has gone mad, and is no longer home.
    6) B has suffered brain damage, and is no longer home.
    7) A screwed up: Made B angry.
    8 ) A screwed up: never made the moves on B.
    9) B is dead. The dead do not remember.

    > Most dangerous substance known to man – eats up decades and obscures new opportunities…

    Thus indistinguishable from religious faith. And like religious faith, love can only rarely be reasoned out of.

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