Feb 222013

First up: here’s one more reason to oppose firearms registration…

In January, the Mexico Permanent Commission reportedly voted to formally ask the United States Senate for a registry of all commercialized firearms in the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Yeah, that’d be great.


And then, Incredibly Important Journalism from across the pond (or from Hollywood… either is equally far away from the US):

Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag Say Guns Make Them ‘Proud To Be American’

I don’t know who these two are. But the important thing to note from the article:

America’s Sweethearts, who appeared on the latest season of Britain’s “Celebrity Big Brother,” reveal their arsenal of more than six firearms, including a sniper rifle and semi-automatic shotgun.

Two people, seven guns. “Arsenal.”

 Posted by at 12:53 am