Feb 192013

As trolling efforts go, this one – a bill proposed for the Missouri House of Representatives –  is magnificent.

HB 633

Specifies that any member of the general assembly who proposes legislation that further restricts an individual’s right to bear arms will be guilty of a class D felony

Is it going to pass? Almost certainly not. If it did somehow pass and get signed into law, would it pass Constitutional muster before the Supreme Court? Almost certainly not. But consider: another recently proposed bill in Missouri would turn perhaps millions of law abiding gun owners into felons. It’s equally unConstitutional, but probably stands a better chance of passing. So, you have one bad law being proposed to stop another bad law and to prevent further bad laws. If one bad law actually becomes law, then perhaps a handful of Missouri citizens will find themselves behind bars; the other bad law would imprison potentially hundreds of thousands.

And be honest: a bill that sends politicians to prison? That alone makes the bill worthy of discussion.

 Posted by at 11:20 am