Feb 152013

An office interior:

[youtube SnAWc415ENk]

A long dashcam video that shows the whole sequence from the meteor passing by (4:36) to the arrival of the boom (7:00). Note cars jump, windows blow out, snow get knocked off roofs.

[youtube gQ6Pa5Pv_io]

A voice of crazy from the past – Vladimir Zhirinovsky – comes forth with claims that the US is responsible for this:

6m-crater found at site of alleged fragment crash


Some numbers are given here:

Over 900 injured after Russian meteorite fall

950 injured; meteor estimated at 10 metric tons, entered at 20 km/sec. This would provided a kinetic energy of 2000000000000 joules… just under half a kiloton. That seems pretty low given that windows were blown out 50 km away…



 Posted by at 8:54 am