Jan 202013

While New York and Massachusetts are racing to the bottom in their drive to strip their citizens of even so much as an old-fashioned six-shooter (proposed ban on magazines that hold more than five rounds), Utah produces this:


We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights-in particular Amendment II-has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.

Now imagine the heads of the BATF and the FBI taking as principled a stand to defend the rights of the people.

From THIS news report, the sheriffs of 28 of 29 Utah counties have signed this, with only the Salt Lake County sheriff not (unsurprising, in the Red State of Utah, Salt Lake City keeps electing Democrats to Mayor and the state legislature and whatnot).

And HERE is a list of sheriffs from across the country who have done similar.

 Posted by at 11:31 pm