Dec 312012

Well, at least he’s honest:

Let’s Give Up on the Constitution

Where the opinioneer recommends that the US abandon the rule of law, and just do whatever the hell the people in charge want to do, Constitution be damned.

This is a common enough view on the part of many who Demand Change… banning guns (in violation of the 2nd Amendment) or banning this-or-that religion (in violation of the 1st Amendment) or requiring this-or-that religious belief be jammed into schools (again in violation of the 1st Amendment) or numerous other proposed changes. While these changes may be valid, we *do* have a process in place: if you want to ban assault weapons, it’s straightforward to do it legally: pass an Amendment that negates the existing 2nd Amendment. We’ve done that many times since the Constitution was originally enacted. That’s the process. That’s the law. The desire to bypass that is just downright… unAmerican.

 Posted by at 2:48 pm