Dec 222012

I was promised an apocalypse yesterday. Once again, the people on the TV failed to deliver. Typical.

Not really a whole lot on this topic I can yammer on about that other people haven’t yammered on about at very great length already. I really only have two questions:

1) What’s the next major doomsday going to be

2) All the authors and talking heads who spent years going on about this – raking in the cash while doing so – what now? Are they going to vanish like a fart in the wind? There’d be no profit in that. Will some “recalculate?” Will some admit that they must’ve been wrong? Will any admit that they were full of crap?

On that topic: much to my surprise, the billboards for Harold Camping’s May 21, 2011, doomsday prediction are *still* up in western Wyoming. And given that they’ve been up for at least a year and a half, they remain in remarkably good shape. The other billboards seem to change their ads, so I’m a bit confuzzled as to why these are still up. Perhaps the “Family Radio” people actually *bought* the billboards. Perhaps the owners of the billboards are keeping them up for entertainment value, or some other reason. Or perhaps, just perhaps, the billboard owners rented out space to the Family Radio people at a lower rate… but with a payment automatically deducted from their bank account once a month UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD. That… would be fantastic.

In any event, I remain astonished that nobody has ripped them down. You’d think you could get a coupla bucks for a full billboard ad on ebay…

 Posted by at 6:51 pm