Dec 222012

“Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (note: for these Mayors, this would mean *all* guns except those owned by the police… and by their security details, of course) have cranked out a new propaganda ad featuring a veritable “who’s that” of second-string Hollywood celebrities:

[youtube 64G5FfG2Xpg]

Now, even though these jokers might not be raking in the biggest money Hollywood has to offer, it’s a safe bet they’re making more money than *you.* And that they can afford to live behind great big high walls and hire armed guards. One wonders if any of them are planning on getting rid of their own security.

One of the more recognizable faces here is Jeremy Renner. You know, the actor who has made millions of dollars playing roles like:

And this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

Now that Mr. Renner has had his “come to Jesus” moment regarding just how evil guns are, and how they need to be removed from the hands of average citizens… is he going to stop taking these sort of roles in the future? Is he going to tun over his ill-gotten millions from his previous movies to some worthy charity? Is he going to eschew armed security?

We can only wait and see what our cultural betters do, and what they decide is best for us.

 Posted by at 11:14 am