Dec 182012

Patented Book Writing System Creates, Sells Hundreds Of Thousands Of Books On Amazon

Now these books aren’t your typical reading material. Common categories include specialized technical and business reports, language dictionaries bearing the “Webster’s” moniker (which is in the public domain), rare disease overviews, and even crossword puzzle books for learning foreign languages, but they all have the same thing in common: they are automatically generated by software.

And then…

So, what’s the next book genre Parker is targeting to have software produce? Romance novels.


I’ve long heard people say that in Star Trek-like futures where robots and other technologies have “freed” mankind from drudge-work, people will devote their time to music and art and philosophy and crap like that. Well… it seems that well before robots replace people for most manual labor jobs, they’ll start replacing the writers. And then the painters. And the article linked above points out that a system is being worked on that will replace human newsreaders with CG versions, which means actors won’t be needed for much longer.

So, a world where humans have all our physical needs met, and have nothing to do or contribute. Awesome.

 Posted by at 12:38 am