Nov 152012

Until a few days ago, it had been many weeks (a couple of months, I believe) since I’d last received an order for one of the cyanotype prints. But with Up Goer 5, there were a few orders that came in all at once. I was short on some of them, so I’m working on printing up new ones at this time. I plan on shipping them all early next week, latest.

Also: I’ve been experimenting with alternate paper. Most paper either turns to mush or curls up and dies when it gets wet, as blueprints made this fashion must (they must first be painted with a water-based photoreactive dye or ink, and then mus be hosed down). I’ve been using watercolor paper to this point, as it stands up to the process; but it’s not practical for larger format prints, as it’s not readily available in larger sizes. And while it looks great framed hanging on a wall, it’s not historically representative. Today I’ve been testing out several different vellum papers, and have been having promising results. Velum has the dual advantage of being available on rolls, and being historically accurate. So at some point in the future, larger-format cyanotype blueprints will be made available on vellum. The specific target is of course the six-foot-long Saturn V, but others are possible as well. The current infrastructure I have on hand will permit up to a bit short of 2 foot by 3 foot. The only thing preventing *that* right now is a lack of ability to procure 2X3 transparencies… but I am assured that that ability is coming.

 Posted by at 2:36 pm