Nov 122012

Old Norse folklore held that “luck” was a real thing. Some people have it, some people don’t. I’ve long believed that if luck is real, I’m in the “don’t got it” category. Consider: after years of declining interest in my stuff on this site, very early this AM an unforeseen boon: xkcd ran a modified version of the Saturn V inboard profile I offer, and credited this website. This led to a noticable spike in interest, and even a few orders started coming in. Yay! Income! And then… the servers went down. In the middle of the day, prime slackin’ off time at the office,,, the blogs, everything, simply friggen’ vanished for about three hours. Who knows how many potential visitors tried to dial this site up only to have their browsers go “I dunno,” and then move on with their lives, never to come back again.


 Posted by at 4:18 pm