Jan 172009

Work on the Orion article continues, with more modeling. The modeling I’m fairly good at, the rendering… meh. To do it right would require a whole lot of texture map work, and I just don’t have the time for that. So… the Orions will look a bit bland, I guess.

I need to model the 20-meter Orion yet, as well as the Advanced Interplanetary Ship, and make some refinements to the Regular Interplanetary Ship.






 Posted by at 3:57 pm

  4 Responses to “V2N2: The issue that never ends”

  1. Scott,

    The pic’s are great. I appreciate the work you’re doing with APR.

  2. Destroyer gun turret?

  3. of that wat i see here
    V2N2 gona be best issue of eAPR, jet

    I will be patience…

  4. “Are we there yet?” “Are we there yet?” :o)
    Looking great!

    Don’t suppose you’ve checked out any of the Orion battle-craft in the game “Attack Vector Tactical”?


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