Oct 092012

This is from World Net Daily, which tends to be a little, ah, partisan, so take it for what it’s worth:

Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’

The short form: the article includes several blurry photos of Obama’s wedding ring, which according to some expert or other has Arabic script saying “There is no god but Allah.” Meh. To me, it just looks like art-scribble, not specific Arabic text. But what *does* interest me is that earlier photos dating back to 1981 show that he was wearing the very same ring on the very same finger all that time. Which is interesting, because he was wearing a gold “wedding ring” on the finger traditionally associated with the wedding ring, for more than a decade before he met his future wife. Bwuh?

It’s gotta please Michelle no end to know that Barky couldn’t be bothered to change any of his jewelry for her.

 Posted by at 8:47 pm