Sep 112012


Mint charges musician pretty penny for use of coin image

Short form: the Canadian mint is charging a Canadian musician $1200Canadian for using an image of a Canadian penny on the cover of said Canadian musicians Canadian music album. Canada.

The mint is claiming that they hold intellectual property rights over images of the penny, and thus are demanding to get paid $1200 for every 2000 copies of the album that are produced.

Who knew?

Does the US mint do the same thing?

From the comments:

Suggestion: He should just skip the picture and glue a real Penny onto each album.

Reason: They can’t charge you for giving out money. He`ll save $1180 per 2000 albums….. though the cost to the Mint will 50% higher at 30 dollars/ 2000 albums that he sells.

 Posted by at 9:25 am