Aug 212012

The Washington D.C. Metro system is an interesting set of contrasts. It’s a seemingly cheap and efficient means of getting around a city known for hideous, economy-crushing expense married with nightmarish bureaucratic inefficiency. The people you will meet on it are as likely to be tourists as they are to be Congressional staffers as they are to be filthy bums as they are to be military officers as they are to be feral thugs. And while the outside world might be a heat-blasted sauna or a frozen icebox, brightly day-lit or pitch black night, the underground stations are always the same dim, cool environment.

One of the larger and busier of the stations in L’Enfant Plaza, the station nearest to the National Air and Space Museum and other well-known locales. The station looks like it was designed to withstand a nuclear strike… which is probably the case.

 Posted by at 10:19 am