Aug 172012

A youTube video purporting to show a Syrian drone manufacturing facility in Aleppo, captured by the rebels. The drones look fairly pathetic… basically model airplanes. They might have been meant for Hezbollah or some such for use against Israel.

[youtube Xo0F45uV75U]

Using Google translation on the YT page, we get this:

In the name of God the Merciful

Brigades are free Sham | | battalion Shahba | | Aleppo
Review of the spoils and the contents of the research center in Aleppo, which was a stronghold in the city of Aleppo Cbihh and dominated by the brothers in the battalion of the buffy-Sham Brigades are free after violent clashes culminated in flight control center and tails Cbihh Assad. God is great and all praise and Glory to God.

Brothers in the media office for “Brigades are free Sham”

Which leads back to THIS.

 Posted by at 8:11 am