Jan 082009

The Vought XC-142 was a Tri-Service troop-transport VTOL. First flown in the mid-1960’s it, like all non-helicopter VTOLs apart from the Harrier, fell by the wayside. Read more abut it here.

Had the C-142 gone into production, it would have been an entirely new aircraft. The configuration would have been much the same as the XC-142, but it would have been a bit bigger, with a more conventional nose/cockpit section.




 Posted by at 9:17 pm

  One Response to “What the XC-142 would have grown up to be”

  1. The short, squatty shape of the XC-142 resulted from a requirement of the original tri-service program that it fold small enough to fit on an aircraft carrier elevator and hangar deck. Wing fold was deleted for the prototype, since the degree of difficulty was already high enough.

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