Aug 142012

1) APR V3N3: working on numerous CAD drawings of the XC-132 and related designs

2) NPP: re-designing the “Landing boat.” It’s amazing what people will sometimes post online without knowing just what it is that they have… in this case, three paintings of the landing boat, finally visible with adequate resolution.

3) Whispercraft model is just about done. Will be followed up by the Soviet LK lunar lander. Tremulis Zero Fighter may be sandwiched in there somewhere.

4) APR on MagCloud: after a few emails, it’s clear that substantially revising Volumes 1 and 2 *again* for release on MagCloud would not be worth the effort. So they will be reformatted to fit the MagCloud layout, some minor errors corrected, then released at some point. I’m considering producing a collection of CAD drawings to be released as an 11X17 formatted pDF, probably one collection per volume.

 Posted by at 4:17 pm