Aug 032012

When I first started tinkering with the cyanotype printing notion, my early experiments were just… wrong. Wrong paper, *really* wrong application method. I started off using some sketch paper that I just happened to have, and painted the cyanotyping fluid using some paint brushed that I just happened to have. Before I could get around to actually trying to expose an image into them, it was clear that I was on the wrong track, so I set some of the early test items aside and forgot about them for some weeks.

The ink reacts with ultraviolet light. Even indoors there is enough to get the process going; fluorescent lights do this faster than incandescent. And even when papers are piled on top of each other, a combo of some UV and just chemical reactions can get the ink going. Two sheets I slapped some ink on, forget and then rediscovered actually now kinda look like some sort of effort at modern art… the sort of thing I could auction off for a million bucks if I was:

1) Famous

2) Dead

Being, at least so far, neither, they ain’t worth squat. But they are kinda interesting in a temporary sort of way.

 Posted by at 11:48 pm