Jul 292012

In order to have a proper policy discussion, one must have accurate data.  And given the *vast* cost in terms of taxpayer dollars wasted, lives lost, lives ruined and government grown, the “War On Some Drugs” is in dire desperate need of a proper and honest policy discussion. So, here’s this:

Five Scientific Conclusions About Cannabis That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

In short:

1. Cannabis use is associated with lower mortality risk in patients with psychotic disorders

2. The enactment of statewide medical marijuana laws is associated with fewer incidences of suicides

3. The effects of cannabis smoke on the lungs are far less problematic than those associated with tobacco

4. Cannabis use is associated with only marginal increases in traffic accident risk

5. The schedule I classification of cannabis is a lie; the science says so

I’ve got no use for the stuff. Nor have I use for tobacco or booze. But if someone started arguing that alcohol needs to be banned because a single beer could cause your eyeballs to explode, I’d be annoyed at the dishonesty of it. Same applies to pot, coke, heroin, PCP or “bath salts.” Some drugs do nightmarish things to people. Other drugs don’t. By refusing to be honest about the effects of Drug A or Drug B, the only people who benefit are the criminals and the government enforcers.

 Posted by at 9:05 pm