Jul 042012

A lot of silly weirdness comes from those professing Christianity (Creationism, televangelism, Obamacare, etc.) But if you want full-on whackjobbery, there’s really only one religion to go to. No, not the Raelians, nor that other space-alien-based pseudoreligion (Which Shall Not Be Named), but Ye Olde Religion of Peace:

Islamic Group Forbids Tomatoes ‘Because They Are Christian?’

It seems that if you cut a tomato just right, it forms a cross (sort of a Cross Formeé). And it seems some people just can’t handle that.

This of course raises several ideas.

1) Can you use tomatoes in certain situations like you’d use garlic against a vampire? Will tomatoes cause suicide bombers to retreat, say>

2) What other basic food staples can you get Certain People to abandon because of perceived religious imagery? Is there a way to convince them that wheat and corn  and rice and potatoes are forbidden because they are Jewish or pagan or something? Is there a way to make a Wiccan like Fairuza Balk spring fully formed out of a bushel of corn?

If so, I’m gonna have to take up farming.

 Posted by at 10:43 am