Dec 222008

Or as it’s apparently called in Britainland, “Hokey Cokey.”

Doing the Hokey Cokey ‘could be hate crime’ 

 The Hokey Cokey is an old novelty song that has been sung in music halls, at children’s parties and at sherry-fuelled family gatherings for many years.

But according to the Catholic Church and some Scottish politicians, singing the popular tune that begins with the words “You put your right hand in, your right hand out,” may constitute an act of religious hatred.

A spokesman for the leader of the church in Scotland said the song had disturbing origins.

Critics claim that Puritans composed the song in the 18th century in an attempt to mock the actions and language of priests leading the Latin mass.

Now politicians have urged police to arrest anyone using the song to “taunt” Catholics under legislation designed to prevent incitement to religious hatred.

Rue Britania. The Brits are going to PC themselves right out of existence.
It’s enough to give a guy a headache.

 Posted by at 2:58 pm

  3 Responses to “Todays dose of dumbassery: banning “Hokey Pokey””

  1. My God, I thought the Catholic Church in Ireland was bad.

    That said, the leader of the RC Church in Scotland is from Northern Ireland – and a pretty controversial character. He pushes into the sphere of politics regularly. I guess we export our worst from Ulster…oops, that includes myself 😉

    More on the Cardinal here:

  2. A detailed survey of the historical records (a thirty second scan of Wikipedia) seems to indicate that this isn’t some centuries-old taunting of the Catholics… but a 1940’s dance tune.

  3. that’s nothing, in 1998 they tried to ban _christmas_!!
    Google ‘winterval’, and wet yourself laughing!

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