You’re Not Special
UPDATE: Now YouTubeified…
[youtube _lfxYhtf8o4]
UPDATE for the purposes of blatherfication. Words mean things, but sometimes the meaning is subtle. “Unique” and “special” are words with similar, but distinct understood meanings. “Unique” is fairly objective; “special” tends to imply some sort of value judgement. For example: The integer “14” is unique. There’s only the one. The integer 65 will never be 14. But even though 14 is unique, it is in no meaningful way I’m aware of “special.” “Special” would imply that 14 is more important in some way than 65. And… it’s just not.
Similarly; every human on earth is unique. Even twins. But special? Really… no. Obviously, a whole lot of people are truly special. But “a whole lot” is still a small number compared to a population pushing 7 billion. Most of us are filler.