May 012012

Turned on the tube this AM to see the FBI giving an announcement on CNN about having stopped a bomb plot. They didn’t, when I first watched, give the names or show the photos of the culprits, but I knew right off that something new was up. The hint: the spokesman made a point of pointing out that it was the specific suspect who were investigated, not a movement; their actions were suspect, not their ideology. This was weird, even for those who want to be “sensitive” towards religiously-motivated terrorists (you know… Amish and Quakers and such, I guess). For a few seconds I was afraid it was going to turn out to be some whackjob with Tea Party trappings. Instead, they are “anarchists.” The affadavit is here:

In it, we find this:

Based on an initial report of potential criminal activity and threats involving
anarchists who would be attending an event held by a protest group, the Cleveland FBI
directed the CHS to attend that event. On October 21,201 1, at approximately 6:30 pm, and
while the CHS was attending the event, the CHS identified four suspicious males with walkietalkie
radios around their necks. Three of the four men had masks or something covering their
faces; one male did not. The men were wearing black or dark colored shirts, had black
backpacks, carried the anarchist flags and acted differently than the other people in
attendance. The four males were subsequently joined by three more males wearing scarves or
towels around their heads. The whole group appeared to be together and was constantly
moving throughout the crowd expressing displeasure at the crowd’s unwillingness to act
violently. During a briefing between the protestors and organizers, the organizers explained
who would be arrested emphasizing that they wanted everyone to conduct peaceful civil
disobedience. One of the original four men turned away and said “f–k that” before the group
of men walked away.

Note that the affadavit does not say what protest this was, led by who, in support of or opposition to what. However, it turns out that the Occupy Cleveland movement was protesting throughout most of October, 2011. Here, for example, is a video of the occupy Cleveland crowd on October 21, 2011:

[youtube Gu8FKPhldb0]

Interestingly, the “” website seems to not be working (“502 Bad Gateway” error)

Other targets these losers discussed included the opening of a casino, the forthcoming G-8 meeting and the Republican national convention.

Yeah. Not Tea Partiers.

Read the affidavit: these guys were, like many would-be terrorists, much more of threat to themselves than the public. They were easily ‘stung’ by the FBI, and seemed pretty much incapable of doing anything right.  They are, however, ideological fellow travelers with the “Occupy” movement and with the likes of Bill Ayers. On the plus side for the Occupiers, the fringe element failed to get many of them to sign on to violent action. But let’s face it: had these loons been on the far end of the Tea Party, you’d never hear the end of the “Tea Partiers are violent terrorists” meme. Hell, I still hear that every now and then with respect to Jared Laughner… who was, if anything, more of a left winger like the Cleveland bomb idjits.

When it comes time to vote… keep in mind that these are the guys who think that Obama isn’t liberal *enough.*

 Posted by at 9:13 am