Apr 212012

Saw it today: My recommendation: go see it. It’s good. It’s *really* good. Sadly, I can’t say too much about it, or I’ll give away plot points that you really need to be surprised by. I read the basic plot of the movie in a review and decided it was worth seeing; in retrospect, I’d’ve been happier being surprised.

All that said: about half of it is a stock-standard “dumbass kids in the woods getting set upon by nasty killmonsters” plot. But as it turns out… there is a good reason why it sounds like such a cliche, and that reason makes this movie rather more than the run of the mill slasher/monster flick. Suffice it to say… this is the most HPL-ian movie I’ve seen in a  *looooooong* time.

Lots of violence, literally truckloads of gore, even *GASP* some girlie-nudie-bits. Mostly stars relative unknowns and some recognizable character actors… one *Star* makes an appearance, and Thor before he was Thor (the movie was shot in 2009 and then MGM went bankrupt). And the best stoner character you’ve ever seen.

And it presents a rather interesting major moral quandary.

 Posted by at 12:57 am