Mar 122012

A double-barreled 1911. Sure, why not.

[youtube BM-DGaNmtA0]

I bet it has a little bit of a kick.  I wonder if you can get a concealed-carry inside-the-pants holster for it…

I also wonder about the legality of this. A single trigger pull would seem to fire off two cartridges, which I think would get this thing classified as a class 3 firearm. The Arsenal Firearms website might or might not answer this, but I’m currently having some difficulty navigating it.

Hmm. On looking at the video, it appears that the gun actually has two side-by-side triggers. But I doubt the gun would function properly with only one bullet going off at a time (it would seem to eject the unfired round), so maybe the dual-trigger design is just to make it ambidextrous.

 Posted by at 2:05 pm