Mar 102012


A medieval castle in Slovakia went up in flames. Someone set an illegal grass fire nearby; sparks and such floated to the flammable roof of the castle, which caught fire, collapsed into the interior, and looks like gutted the interior of the castle and all the displays and history and whatnot within.

Fire at Gothic Slovak Castle Casts Shadow Over Polls

Slovakia’s left-of-center opposition Smer party is predicted to be the election’s winner, estimated to garner 37.3% of the vote. The party, championing higher taxes on the rich and large corporations, is expected to lead talks on forming the new coalition government…


So… some bottom-level types started a fire at the grass-roots level. The fire drifted up to the top 1% of the castle, destroying it. And in destroying the top 1%, the following collapse destroyed the rest of the 99%, leaving nothing but a sad, empty, burnt shell.

 Posted by at 4:50 pm