Feb 232012

A forthcoming movie “4:44 Last Day on Earth” deals with people preparing for an apparently unstoppable and precisely timed apocalypse.

[youtube A-1Q7EevCy8]

Hmmm. Seems like an unfunny version of “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.”

And then a few months back there was “Melancholia,” which dealt with Earth getting whacked by a whole other planet, and the way the last few days were handled by a group of apparently depressed people.

What’s to me weird isn’t that movie makers crank out movies with unlikely plotlines in the same year (Dante’s Peak/Volcano, Armageddon/Deep Impact, etc). What seems weird to me is this *particular* plotline. Sure, end-of-the-world movies have been around for a long time. But they usually fall into two categories:

1) The end is coming, and heors work to prevent it

2) The end happens, and survivors struggle to make it through

This to me seems fairly unique: The end is coming, and there’s nothing that you or anyone else can do, and you’re all going to die. The other types speak to some kind of hope in the darkness, or sheer cussedness, or something along those lines; this new trend is sheer hopelessness.

Hopelessness and Change, baby…

And so long as I’m yammering on about Doomsday…

 Posted by at 5:47 pm