Nov 192008

Don’t know too much about these except that they are Vought concept models and date from the late 60s. They appear to represent designs for the Navy’s VFX competition, which Grumman won and which produced the F-14.

untitled-4.jpg  untitled-5.jpg  untitled-6.jpg  untitled-7.jpg  untitled-8.jpg  untitled-9.jpg  untitled-12.jpg

 Posted by at 4:01 am

  3 Responses to “Vought fighter concepts”

  1. that Model with fix wing
    look more on F-15 competition as for VFX competition

    but i can be wrong…

  2. Quite a lot of the A-5 Vigilante in there, too.

  3. First picture in second row has a je-ne-sais-quoi of a MiG-29 or Su-27!!!

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