Feb 072012

Go on, guess. I’ll give you two guesses as to who apparently wants to ban the ownership of pet dogs in the Hague (Netherlands). And here’s a hint: it’s *not* the whackadoodle animal rights goobers. It’s another pack of goobers.

Banning Dogs as Pets

As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m not a dog person. But the fact that I prefer the clearly superior cat to the low-brow dog does not mean that I don’t recognize that not only do a whole lot of people love their dogs, but that dogs are a net positive good in society. Dogs do a lot of actual jobs, from rescue to guide to laying a bitey can of whoopass on trespassers and other criminals. Dogs, like cats and horses, are on Team Humanity, and they’ve been there for a while:

Domesticated dogs may date back 30,000 years

There are those who think that dogs should be done away with, due to screwed-up cultural nonsense. Well, sorry, Skippy… dogs and their link to humanity are far, far older than these anti-dog cults, and I’d far rather share my planet with the scruffiest junkyard mutts than the jackasses who think that dogs are “unclean” and should be removed from human society.

And lest anyone think that cats are in the clear… while there is not apparently a specifically anti-cat impulse among these morons, I for one will never forget the story of Marjan.

 Posted by at 7:59 pm