Nov 192008

Two nephews of the late lamented “Bitey” are shown here. They are very nearly identical twins… the only differences are slightly different coloration of the iris, slightly differently-shaped snouts, and one of them is extremely human-friendly. But they are very close pals… where one is, the other is sure to be not far away. As Bitey and Fingers were, these two are. Inseparable best friends.

img_3658.jpg  img_3662.jpg  img_3663.jpg  img_3664.jpg  img_3666.jpg  



“Get that damned camera out of my face!”


 Posted by at 3:52 am

  2 Responses to “So cute it’ll make your head explode”

  1. […] sort of a followup to this post, here are two shots of Stinky and Spot. They remain close friends, even though Spot currently […]

  2. Hey D. Just thought I had a baby.. hope all is well with you.. Turns out the baby was a distraction and I seriously can’t think properly anymore. A-n-y-way your cats are in heat. That is what is causing your cheeks to exploded.. I seriously can’t get anything out of this. So, I ass-u-me you know what I’m talking about.

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