Jan 262012

Is there a more effective way for someone in the public eye – or who wants to be in the public eye – to self destruct than “social media” sites like Twitter? I guess throwing a cat off a bridge, maybe, but even that doesn’t seem to have garnered as much attention as the incredibly inane and incredibly NSFW Tweets of an intellectual giant of the age by name of Yuri Wright. Seems Mr. Wright, still in high school, wants to have a career in college football. So what does he do? Does he study hard to become the best college student he can?

Ummm… no. He posts to Twitter. A lot. And the posts… well… they don’t exactly do his family or hios schooling proud. For example:

No. Wait. Never mind on me reposting his tweets… they would not do The Unwanted Blog any damned good. Trust me, though, they’re damned funny in a “Oh, hell, the future belongs to THIS dumbass???” sort of way.

Now, why bring up the online blatherings of a high schooler? Because apparently he is supposed to be a big-time foosball recruit with all kinds of promise. Oddly, though, after a whole bunch of his racist (here’s a fun game: Imagine a racist guy named “Yuri.” Picture him in your mind. YOU’RE WRONG), sexist, and intellectual-negative-matter tweets, a number of universities that had been trying to recruit him have decided that they have better candidates to pursue.  He was apparently in good with Michigan… but Michigan dropped him like a hot rock when they read his yammerings.

The reason given in the article was that his tweets were racially and sexually unacceptable. While those are, I suppose, reasonable reasons for a university to decide to not waste their money on a ready-made PR-disaster, to me a better reason would be that the level of intellect shown in the posts is really, really low. now, for all I know he’s a genius with an IQ that is not readily measurable who can quote Shakespeare, and he’s just acting like an uneducated moron for ill-conceived cultural reasons… but most likely, he’s an uneducated moron.

And because he can run and throw and catch a ball, universities were willing to blow large sums on him. Never mind the kid who could’ve actually contributed to society with a university degree; lets spend millions of dollars on degenerates.


One more reason for the American educational system to undertake some common sense reforms.

 Posted by at 5:42 pm