Dec 132011

NTSB seeks nationwide ban on driver use of personal electronic devices

Translation: the FedGuv wants to make it illegal to talk on the phone while driving. That includes hands-free phones.

Yeah. Good luck with that.

Regardless of what the intentions are, what it will turn into is a cash cow for police, just like speed traps and stoplight cameras.

Speaking as someone who got screwed over second-hand by a jackass busy texting while driving, I’ve no problem with banning texting, as that requires your eyes. But *talking?*

 Posted by at 7:21 pm

  6 Responses to “This will go over well”

  1. Don’t know about any of you,but I will swear on a bible that I have seen local area cops using
    cellphones while driving!

  2. A ban on cellphones today, car radios and CD players tomorrow, the seclusion of the driver from passengers the day after.

  3. A few thoughts have occurred:
    1) A ban on the use of electronic devices for drivers would also mean that truckers are banned from using CB radios.
    2) Current law holds that if you are drunk, you are not allowed to drive. This includes police officers and ambulance drivers. If the law is to be consistent, then police officers and ambulance drivers will also be banned from using electronic communications systems while driving.
    3) And probably pilots. That’ll make takeoffs and landings entertaining, since pilots won;t be able to talk to each other or the tower.

    Then there’s this:
    A police cruiser ends up strung up on wires because the driver bent down to pick up a pen. Clearly, pens are a distraction.

  4. Having been hit once by a little girl who was busy on her telephone, I’m in support of the idea. Most of those I encounter on the road who are on the phone are obviously incapable of successfully dividing their attention — and it appears that feeding their ego with the phone is the most important thing they are doing while they are driving. (I suspect most of the kids out there are driving as though they were in a movie.)

    It came to me that I never heard any complaints about CB use. A different kind of user, apparently.

    • > It came to me that I never heard any complaints about CB use.

      Nor radios. And yet… it would seem that *those* would be banned as well.

      How about wristwatches?

  5. Studies show that being distracted while driving is as bad or worse than drink driving in the number and type of accidents caused. If your society can recognise that drink-driving is bad, why can’t it recognise that the use of the phone while driving is as bad?

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