Dec 082011

This makes me want to hurt someone.


Short form: some jagoff sealed kittens in a  cat food bag, tossed bag into a road. Bag is found by a dog named Reagan who pulled the bag off the road, took it home, and would not stop whining until the dogs owner opened the bag and found the kittens that Reagan had rescued.

Unfortunately, the owner also found the kittens that Reagan had *not* been able to rescue.

This story is a mixture of heartwarming and enragingly horrific. SCOTT MAD

 Posted by at 1:06 am

  8 Responses to “Dog > Human”

  1. i mad real mad about this !

    i want that jagoff sealed in a bag and tossed this bag into a HIGHWAY
    best from high bridge on lane for heavy trucks…

  2. People just suck. How come those kind of d-bags never get kidnapped by the Taliban?

    My wife has three dogs, Keshonds, all rescued from situations ranging from unfortunate to hideous. You gotta wonder what makes people do these things. I’m not a dog guy but they are the sweetest and most affectionate creatures.

    Our cat, thankfully, was just a kitty from a litter. He’s got kind of an attitude of old-money entitlement so we named him Fitchburg J. Thayer IV. He’s pretty haughty and superior. I’m convinced he went to Yale.

  3. Hell ain’t got a hole deep enough for the piece of shite that did that. My hope is that authorities get prints off the tape the dbag used to seal them up. I look at my 3 and can’t comprehend how anyone with a soul let alone common decency could do the act . Burn in Hell A–hole. May you descend quickly.

  4. I’m not very comfortable about imposing the death penalty on human beings.

    However, there are some hominids that don’t clear that bar, and for them I’d pull the trigger myself.

  5. That guy needs to be sewn up in a sack with a rabid honey badger, three or four rattlesnakes, Sinead O’Connor, and Eric Holder, and tossed from a low bridge into a shallow fast-flowing river with lots of rocks in it.

    Sadly, it is sometimes necessary to euthanize the extra kittens. If I had to to do that, I’d use the same method I’d use on myself if I decided that I needed to go. I would put them in a confined space and crack the valve on a bottle of nitrogen with a hose leading into said space, having first fed them well and dosed them with catnip. Hypoxia is widely reputed to be the easiest way to go.

    P.s. The badger is already rabid, so his brain has already been hijacked by the virus. I have no fellow-feeling for rattlesnakes, as I do for my fellow mammals.

    • > I would put them in a confined space and crack the valve on a bottle of nitrogen…

      Speaking of which: I’m forever astounded that that method isn’t used. Nitrogen is cheap and non-toxic (in terms of small leaks, anyway). Since what you breathe in is about 80% nitrogen, your lungs don’t freak out at higher concentrations, as they do with carbon dioxide or other toxins, so at 100% N2 you just keep calmly breathing it in and breathing out the O2 in your lungs, and you just go to sleep and fade away.

      Compare this to the poison gases and lethal injections used to kill critters and criminals.

      I’ve also heard of freon working the same way… industrial accidents where a worker goes into a confined space filled with a freon gas that has not been ventilated away, and simply passign out and keeling over.

  6. On a more cheerful note (originally found on

  7. Woops, should have noted that the related channel is most certainly NSFW (politics wise). Sorry, noticed it after I posted the link, here’s the wimp link as an alternative:

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