Nov 052008

A Marxist will soon be in the White House. The Dems, who already control Congress, will soon have an unstoppable majority in both houses.

So, it’s now up to you. Since the Dems took back Congress in the 2006 elections, the economy has tanked, driven in no small part by the bad leadership of Pelosi and Reid and Frank. Now, they won’t have Bush to bitch about.  Hell, now they can’t even bitch about racism.

And don’t forget… for the past seven or so years, all we’ve friggen’ heard is that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Goes both ways, Comrades….

 Posted by at 12:16 pm

  4 Responses to “Well, Obamabots, you got what you wanted”

  1. You’re a fascist. Obama marxist? Please, don’t make me laugh.

  2. Thank you for demonstrating the sad state of affairs that led to Obama’s election: clearly you don’t understand the definition of either “fascist” or “Marxist.”

  3. Marxist ?

    we germans have a better word for that, Wat fit Obama

    Social democrat 😉

    wat to hell happen to Repubicans?
    there were glorius time of President Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan !

    wat the Repubicans got now is:
    Senator Ted Stevens, the first felon elected in Alaska
    congressmen Mark Foley under alleged childhood molestation
    Senator Larry Craig been arrested for homosexual lewd conduct in a men’s restroom
    South Carolina politician Thomas Ravenel under Federal drug charges
    more and more scandal…
    no wonder the people vote for Obama

    by the way “Marxist” China has officially criticized the Obama victory speech!
    the therm “that people can change politics” is to dangerous and can bring chines on bad ideas
    i think the maoist are afraid to be wake up, by (almost) all chinese people yelling “YES WE CAN!”

  4. What happened to the Republicans is actually pretty easy to understand. In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected, giving Democrats control of both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. For 2 years the Dems ran the show… and ran it from the Left. One of Clintons first major policy moves was “gays in the military,” a concept that irritated the hell out of a great deal of the public. And so in 1994, the “Republican Revolution” occured, with a new batch of Republican Hlouse and Senate members being voted in and the Repubs finally gaining control of the Legislative branch.

    So after the ’94 elections, Dems and Reps each controlled one branch of government. A consequence of that was, in effect, gridlock. What Clinton wanted, he couldn’t get through Congress. What the Congressional Reps wanted, Clinton would veto. Stalemate. And so, government wasn’t allowed to grow… and thus we got budget surplusses.

    When Bush was elected in 2000, Reps now controlled both Congress and the White House. And so what Bush wanted, he got. And as history has shown many, many times, power corrupts. And power corrupted the Republicans. Instead of working for smaller government, they turned into morally corrupt spenders, willing to throw taxpayer dollars at anything that moved… in other words, Democrats.

    So now the Reps, like the Dems before them, have been kicked out of power. Expect the next two years to be like the first two years of the Clinton administration, just more so… unbridled Leftist politics on parade. With luck – though I doubt it, given that the cult of personality around The One is far greater than Clintons “charisma,” – in 2010 we’ll see things shift back towards the Reps in Congress. Perhaps not a switch in control, but at least a shift in numbers so that the Reps can actually stand up to Obama.

    Oh: regarding Foley: he sent suggestive emails to male interns. As a result, he was run out of town on a rail. But look at the history of Democrat Gary Studds. It’s an interesting comparison.

    As to Ted Stevens: he almost certainly won;t be able to keep his seat. He’ll either be forced to resign, or will be removed. BUt as I understand it, his seat will then be filled by someone appointed by the Governor of Alaska… Sarah Palin. So the options for Alaskans were to either vote in a Democrat, or someone appointed by Palin.

    This should be a cautionary note for Democrats… Alaskans would rather have a criminal followed by a complete unknown than the best the Democrats had to offer.

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