Nov 162011

The Occu-Drama continues to amuse:

Surprise, Homeland Security Coordinates #OWS Crackdowns

So the government that the fleabaggers want to grant more power to… is using the power it already has to bulldoze their little Obamavilles out of parks all over the nation. Heh.

But wait! Seems the fleabaggers might be willing to fight back!

 Posted by at 3:18 pm

  4 Responses to “Big Government vs Big Government Supporters”

  1. Hmmm… a Democrat/Liberal (Janet Napolitano) who’s actually doing her job. Too bad she didn’t see fit to do her job as the Governor of Arizona. The DHS may yet prove it’s worth!

    I want my popcorn buttered and lightly salted.

    • This isn’t about doing their job for the regime, but sweeping away an embarrassment. They were happy to let the OWS crime wave continue until public sentiment turned against it.

  2. They seem to think that it’s OK to concentrate all power in government as long as the people are allowed to vote on what the government does. At least, that’s what one OWSer told me when he said that all broadcasting should be public broadcasting. That conversation devolved when I asked him what his justification was for all airwaves being owned by the public, at which point he literally walked away from the discussion.

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